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Winter Climbing Courses

Our inspirational winter climbing courses take place in Scotland and Norway from December to mid-April.
Our simple aim is to provide the very best courses and guiding - tailored courses delivered by the UK's highest qualified instructors, on dates to suit you.

Learn to Lead Winter Climbing Course
This course is the necessary step if you want to develop the skills to go climbing independently in winter conditions. We'll start by establishing what you already know and build on this, developing the skills you need to climb safely and manage yourself in the winter mountains.
Next Level Winter Climbing Course
Gain the confidence and skills to push yourself yourself on ice and mixed climbs at a level beyond where you're currently operating. You don't have to be climbing hard at the start of the course since we'll start by establishing what you already know and then build on this, developing all the skills you need to climb really well in winter.
The point of this course is focused progress towards your climbing goals, short and long-term. This is a dedicated coaching course so whatever we need to do do to help you achieve your personal climbing aspirations we will work on over the course, climbing some inspirational routes as we're doing it.

Guided Winter Climbing
If you want to be guided on winter climbs and have a great time out rather than developing skills this is a useful course. We can focus on ice, snow or mixed climbing depending on the conditions and what you prefer.
If there are ‘classic’ routes you would like to do, or routes at a chosen grade, we will plan a course for you. From climbs for beginners to challenging routes on the big faces in Scotland, we can do it.
Rjukan Ice Climbing (Norway)
Rjukan is quite simply an ice climbers paradise. There's a wide range of ice falls, with short walk ins, and a stable climate guaranteeing cold weather and reliable conditions. So whether you want an introduction to ice climbing, want to Learn to Lead or just want to be guided up classic ice falls we'll create a tailored course just for you.

Hemsedal Ice Climbing (Norway)
Hemsedal is often referred to as the "cradle of Norwegian ice climbing", as this is where ice climbing started in Norway in the 1970's. The are more than 100 established routes, from single pitch test pieces to multi pitch classics, all in a relatively compact area. So whether you want an introduction to ice climbing, want to Learn to Lead or just want to be guided up classic ice falls we'll create a tailored course just for you.
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