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Learn to Lead Trad Climbing Course


The main focus of this course is to provide you with the core skills needed to safely and confidently lead trad rock climbs.  With a tailored approach to every course, we start by establishing what you already know and then build up the necessary skills, judgement and all-round abilities so that you can lead-climb with confidence. We’ll aim to give you an insight into the skills required to lead climb and create opportunities to start leading climbs with us alongside you for support and coaching as you develop.

We only offer this course privately as from experience we have found this to be the best way of ensuring you get the right course for you. Our private course option gives you the ability to choose the course dates, location and whether you’d like to attend on your own or with a friend.


£250/day  + £25 per additional person

Course Duration

We recommend at least 2 days for this course since this allows a good amount of time for practice and coaching on different routes to develop all the skills and a good level of confidence. We are happy to run one day courses if you are short on time and we will work hard to deliver a fast-track course for you, but beware the limitation of time! People often book this course for 3-5 days, which gives the time to climb many routes, deal with any poor weather better and get a very good grounding in the skills needed for independence as a trad lead-climber.

Course Ratio

1 or 2 people is normal for this course since it requires close-supervision techniques to help you develop your confidence and skill safely – we build up your skills towards getting you leading with us alongside you for safety, training and support. We can always run learn to lead courses with this number of people, in any climbing area of the UK.

If you’d like to book as a 3 or a 4 we will happily run a great course for you, but only in the Peak District, since the types of climbing allow for this. Please book under the understanding that you’ll each individually do a little less leading since we can only be in one place a time, but we’ll work hard to develop everyone’s lead climbing skills. We’ll still ensure you get an incredible amount out of your course and aim to exceed your expectations of what you’d hoped to learn but we’d just rather be honest about the limitations of larger numbers.


Peak District or UK wide

The Peak District is the ideal location for learning to lead so is our suggested venue for anyone who hasn’t decided where they’d like to start leading. If you’re keen for us to run this course in the Lake District, Cornwall, Snowdonia or any other fantastic climbing areas of the UK we would love to run the course for you anywhere you’d like. Travelling is part of what we love about climbing and we know most areas very well – simply write this preference in the ‘Tailor Your Course’ box when booking.


Year round

We are happy to take you climbing at anytime of the year since we are confident we can deliver an informative and enjoyable experience regardless of the weather. If however, you know that you would like to stack the odds of warmer drier weather in your favour then we suggest you book a course between April and September.

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